Friday, September 27, 2013

Luray KOA, Luray, VA (again!)

When? September 20-22, 2013
Where? Luray KOA, Luray, VA
Cost? $57.10 per night
Hookups? Full
Type? Pull-thru
Site #? 47
Check in? 1pm
Check out? 11am
Characters? Heather & Jon
Weather? 70s during the day, 50s/60s at night

Note: Pictures to be added later

On Thursday afternoon, we went to the storage area to get our trailer & bring it home. We also (finally) finished putting the foot pads on the trailer. We also were able to pack the trailer a bit more than normal, switch out a couple of things, and get the towels/sheets back into the trailer without having to have everything in the truck. I spent most of the day Thursday making food to take with us.

Friday, we headed out around 1pm. Better to get on a westbound road earlier than the rest of rush hour traffic! We got to Luray around 2:30 or so and started getting set up. Jon was in another world (had a conference call at 3:00 he needed to be on) and started unhooking before I had even gotten the slide out! This also means I had no clue how level we were & we weren't chocked. Thankfully we were level side to side. Unfortunately, he had actually unhooked before I chocked. Crazy boy. I wasn't even taking my sweet time! We chatted with our neighbors for a bit as they watched us get settled in; friendly couple from NY. 

Jon settled in and started doing some work while I just chilled out. I did bother the neighbors again asking about their truck bed cover. We've been looking for one and I liked theirs. Always good to ask questions.

Dinner tonight was a simple hot dogs with coleslaw. I recently went gluten & grain free, so no buns for me. Jon was able to enjoy them though! It was pizza party night at the campground, so we watched people head over to the pavilion starting around 5:30. It looked good (again), but without being able to have gluten, I couldn't really go have pizza. 

We made a fire and chilled out for a bit. For dessert, I made a banana boat on the grill while Jon made s'mores. After the fire went out, we packed up everything & put everything under the trailer - just in case it started raining.

Saturday morning, we got up hoping that the weather wasn't going to be as bad as it was forecasted to be. While it wasn't horrible, the clouds weren't lifting above the mountains. Our plan for hiking wasn't looking very good. We put everything we had thrown under the trailer the night before back in their storage areas and headed to Brookside Family Restaurant for breakfast. After breakfast, we headed up the mountain to see if the clouds were higher than we thought. Unfortunately, that was a no-go. When we got to the turn to go in to Shenandoah National Park, the clouds were so thick we couldn't see anything. Back down the mountain we went. Now what to do?!

We ended up heading to New Market to explore, then driving through Stanley, back to the campground, doing some research, and then heading to Harrisonburg to go to CrossKeys Winery. It was a good trip to the winery, but definitely not what we had initially envisioned. At this point, it was raining and overall kind of dreary. We hit up WalMart on the way back (because it was there?) and then headed to the campground and relaxed for a while. I heated up dinner, we ate, and then we started putting together a puzzle. The problem? Our table in the trailer isn't big enough for the puzzle. That was a no-go. We put in The Cutting Edge and watched it before bed. 

Sunday, we got up and kind of tooled around a bit. After a while, we started packing up and got on the road. We had to winterize the trailer & get all of the food out before putting it away for the winter. We're a little sad because we don't know when the next time we're going to get back out, but since it might be next year, we had to winterize. Super easy to do on your own. I can't believe people pay $100+ to have it done!

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