Thursday, March 21, 2013

Planning the next trip

So, we've learned quite a few things about the trailer based on our first camping trip.

1) It's going to take us a while to figure out the most efficient storage inside and outside of the trailer
2) I don't like where my clothes were and would prefer them to be closer to the bed
3) The underbelly of the trailer could've been organized better
4) We're loving the 3M Command products

Numbers 2 & 3 are easily rectified.

For the clothes storage: I'm planning on getting a tote (maybe 2?) from Thirty One to go under the bed where the sofa folds down to add a little more storage. I'll probably put clothes in them. If not, they'll hold kitchen stuff so that I put my clothes in the overhead storage next to the bed. We'll see how this works out.

The underbelly of the trailer: We reorganized this to make a bit more sense the last time we were at the trailer. Now the tire stuff is closer to the tires and the water/power stuff is on the side of the trailer that has the hookups. Makes more sense, doesn't it? :) I have a feeling there might be a couple of more changes, but we'll get to those whenever we feel like we need to.

I'm also DEFINITELY getting velcro dots. In fact, I should go ahead and order some now. It'd be nice to be able to know things will stay in place when we're moving. We found the remote for the sound system on the floor next to the door instead of where we put it.

Right now, I'm trying to figure out what to plan for meals for our next trip. I'm not even 100% sure when our next trip is yet, but I'm still trying to figure out meals. Maybe I should be more focused on the actual logistics of our next trip!

I'm sure we'll have even more lessons as we prepare for & go on our next trip. Looking forward to them!

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